Osorezan Revoir
Posted by Narvin Athial
8:07 PM
This poem, which to me is a representation of what is sad and horrible in life, i.e. loneliness and not being able to let go. But, sadly I could relate to the poem since I have been there..loneliness and not being able to let go..its sad..just as Matamune says, he needed a thousand years to let go, I guess I needed time to let go of certain things..am still trying to do so. Not easy, but yeah, am doing so.
As for the poem dedicated to Anna and Yoh, it talks more on loneliness. Yoh am able to see spirits, while Anna, well, she secluded herself cause people are afraid of her. Well, for me, in a certain part of life, lets say I was kinda down there..secluding myself from others, feeling lonely. Luckily its all changing now, and I can actually smile and feel like I belong somewhere, just like Anna and Yoh in the end.
I guess whats left is finding that someone....